Warts & Verrucas

Warts can be found anywhere on the body, whereas Veruccas are usually found on the soles of our feet. Both of which can be spread by skin-to-skin contact, especially from public swimming pools and hand-holding.

What Is A Wart Or Verruca?

A Wart is a lump of skin cells that is growing abnormally, due to being infected with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV). Most warts are completely harmless but can be unsightly and sometimes painful.

To help identify if you have either of these, and to differentiate between Warts and Veruccas, we have detailed some key characteristics of both Warts & Veruucas below.


  • Tend to be round or oval-shaped, and raised
  • Have a rough and irregular surface, similar to the appearance of a cauliflower (although some can also be smooth)
  • Vary in size, from less than 1mm to more than 1cm
  • Can appear anywhere on the body on their own or in a group


  • Develop on the soles of the feet
  • Tend to be flat, rather than raised, but grow into the foot not outwards
  • Can be painful if they’re on a weight-bearing part of the foot
  • Can be irregular in shape

Removing Warts and Verrucas

We use a combination treatment to remove the Wart or Verucca, this consists of the CO2 Laser, Cutera Excel V, Radiosurgery and gels/creams. This is a tried and tested method developed by our Senior Doctor, Dr Maini, who has ample experience and in-depth knowledge of removing Warts and Veruccas.

Who Is The Treatment Suitable For?

You will need to book a consultation with our Doctor to make certain that your lesion is suitable for the treatment. You will be assessed thoroughly, and all available treatments will be discussed with you.

Why Choose Zenith Cosmetic Clinics for Warts & Verrucas Treatment?

Here at Zenith Cosmetic Clinics, our Senior Doctor, Dr Maini, is very experienced and has been treating Warts since 1995 with excellent results! You can be sure that we will deliver fantastic results.

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