Deviated septum
The septum is the cartilage in the middle of the nose, which separates the nostrils. This normally sits centrally in-between the two nostrils, however some people have an uneven septum. This means that one of the nostrils may be larger than the other or it could be crooked.
A deviated septum can cause health complications such as difficulty breathing or blocked nostrils.
There are two main causes for a deviated septum. A deviated septum can be something you are born with but can also occur from an injury.
In most cases a non- surgical treatment is not applicable and you would need to go down the surgical route. We have the world renowned professor of Rhinoplasty who deals with conditions such as a deviated septum.
Why choose Zenith
- All consultations and reviews are included in the price
- Rhinoplasty at Zenith is performed by a leading professor, Prof Sama.
- Rated as outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in providing care to our patients in a safe and effective manner.
- Registered with the Care Quality Commission (CQC)
- Full member of the British College of Aesthetic Medicine (BCAM)
- 24/7 post treatment care from our doctor
What is the process of this procedure?
You will have a consultation with Professor Sama where he will outline the best options to achieve your desired objectives. Also he will be able to take photographs and through using a process called morphing we will be able to show you what your nose would be expected to look like after the intended procedure.
What is the Septum?
The septum is the part of the nose that separates the two nostrils.
How do I know if I have a deviated septum?
- You may have difficulty breathing
- Snoring
- Blocked nostrils
- Nosebleeds
- Breathing out of one nostril more than the other.
How do you diagnose a deviated septum?
Your doctor will examine your nostrils. Checking the placement of your septum and how it sits in comparison with your nostrils, checking if it impacts the shape or size. You will be asked a variety of questions regarding sleeping, if you snore or have any breathing difficulties.
From that you will then know if you have a deviated septum. Which you then will be able to have a discussion about what the best option is to treat this condition.
Why might I want to get Rhinoplasty Surgery?
The most common uses for Rhinoplasty are to:
- Straighten a hump that can appear at the bridge of the nose
- Change the width of the nose or nostrils
- Reshape the tip of the nose – often to make it slimmer
- Impairment of breathing through the nasal airways or a change in shape following fracture
How long does it take to heal from Rhinoplasty?
It will take approximately 1-2 weeks for bruising to settle and 6 weeks for bones to heal in the nose. Slight swelling can thus be present for a number of months.
Does having a nose job last forever?
Rhinoplasty has a permanent effect on your nose, unless your nose suffers from any further trauma due to an accident. Subtle changes may also occur due to the ageing process.
Is the deviated septum surgery painful?
Rhinoplasty is performed under general anaesthetic so you are not awake during the procedure. For Rhinophyma treatment using lasers, we will numb the area using a medical grade local anaesthetic so you do not feel any pain.
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