Drooping Mouth Corners

The corners of the mouth are held up by a ring of tissue (the modiolus) that all the lifting-muscles of the face are joined to. The lifting muscles themselves are supported by pads of fat that sit underneath the muscles.

Why Do The Corners Of My Mouth Droop?

As we age (or lose weight rapidly) the fat pads in the face shrink and the muscles that hold up the mouth corners start to slip down and become loose. As the mouth corners begin to come down, the skin falls into folds called Marionette Lines. Once these become severe they are extremely difficult to reverse. This process usually begins during our 40’s or early 50’s.

How Can We Treat Marionette Lines?

The best way is to treat these Drooping Mouth Corners is to tackle the problem as early as possible. The only way to rectify this is to tighten the lifting muscles OR fill out the fat pads again.

Out of these two options, the best approach is to tighten the muscles of the face, as this lifts the corners of the mouth and then improves the jawline. One of the most successful ways to do this is to use the 8 Point Facelift Dermal Filler technique. This keeps the muscles tight and allow them to function as they should, which in turn means that the jawline remains straight.

On occasion, the skin can also be loose and need to be tightened, in these situations we are likely to recommend treatments such as Morpheus 8, EndyMed, HIFU or CO2 Laser as these are valuable tools to help tighten skin.

Alternatively a surgical Face Lift will always give a better and more permanent result, if the situation is more severe. However, this is not an ideal treatment for those of a younger age and most should not consider this procedure until their late 50’s or early 60’s.

Why Choose Zenith Cosmetic Clinic for Drooping Mouth Corners Treatment?

Marrionette lines are the most difficult area on the face to treat. Unless a thorough medical assessment is made and there is a wide range of technology available, you just will not get the results that you would otherwise get. At Zenith we have the widest range of technology and expertise under one roof.

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