Take a look at our exciting new offers! For any further information about our offers read below or call us on 0115 959 6999.
We have a fantastic loyalty points scheme at Zenith. Loyalty points accumulate into money you can take off your next treatment here at Zenith!
We offer 600 points for doing a video with us talking about your experience! We also offer 65o points for referring a friend (both parties get these points)
You don’t want to miss out! To find out more about all the loyalty points have a chat with us next time you’re with us.
Do you want to glow in 2025? Have a look at our New Years Offers!
Patients are often concerned about affordability of a treatment. To help alleviate this concern we provide flexible payment plans to suit your budget.
We can offer six months 0% interest option for any procedure over the value of £2500. Interest bearing options are also available if you wish to spread your payments over a longer period of up to 5 years. Please contact our team on 0115 959 6999 for further details or click the link below.