Xanthelasma Removal

What is/are Xanthelasma?

Xanthelasma are yellow lumps on the eyelids that are made up of fatty deposits of cholesterol under the skin.

The condition can be caused by High LDL cholesterol or low HDL cholesterol as well as inherited high cholesterol and liver disease.

Although Xanthelasma is not harmful, many of our patients opt to get it removed. Due to Xanthelasma impacting a prominent position on the face, it can cause feelings of self-consciousness and low confidence.

If left untreated, Xanthelasma will either remain at one size or grow over time.

How is Xanthelasma removal carried out?

At Zenith, Xanthelasma removal is carried out by our highly experienced Senior Doctor, Dr Maini. Dr Maini has consistently delivered life-changing results through his radiosurgery-based Xanthelasma removal technique.

When treating Xanthelasma, Dr Maini will first numb the area with anaesthetic solution. The Xanthelasma is then gently removed using radiosurgery, which evaporates the fatty deposits.

Why Choose Zenith Cosmetic Clinics for Xanthelasma Removal?

  • All consultations and reviews are included in the price
  • All consultants are UK trained
  • All doctors are registered with GMC
  • Dr Maini will be contactable 24/7 via WhatsApp following the treatment and will keep in contact regularly to monitor your progress.
  • Rated as outstanding by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in providing care to our patients in a safe and effective manner.
  • 99% patient satisfaction rates
  • 0% and other finance options available


The condition is more common in individuals with high cholesterol levels, diabetes, or high blood pressure. They also occur more in women and in people who are obese, smokers, and individuals between the ages of 30 and 50.

The anaesthetic solution may sting slightly for 3 seconds. Otherwise, the procedure is virtually painless.

  • You will not be able to drive yourself home after the procedure, so please arrange for someone to collect you, or take public transportation.
  • You must wear dark glasses the day after the treatment.
  • There will be little to no scarring after the treatment.

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0% Finance Available

Finance is available on any procedure above £1000 (surgical or non-surgical).

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Xanthelasma Removal Treatment Costs

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At a glance

Xanthelasma Removal Treatment overview

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1-2 hours per treatment per treatment


0 days




1-4 weeks


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