Neck Fat
When we look in the mirror and see Neck Fat and loss of our jawline this can be addressed.

Strange as it may seem, many patients that present with a seemingly fatty neck do not have any fat to remove and their appearance is due to the shape of muscles in the neck.
The correct treatment of Neck Fat or a Double chin depends to a great degree on the shape and proportions of the chin and jawline.
Treatment of Fatty Necks
If skin is firm with a normal chin and there is a significant amount of fat then Liposuction or FaceTite with suction are very good options to refine the jawline and slim down the neck.
If the chin is recessed then chin fillers or a chin implant will improve the jawline and give the best results.
If the skin of the lower face is looser then a Mini Face/Necklift procedure works extremely well along with Liposuction. Alternatively FaceTite and AccuTite together are very good options.
Non – Invasive Treatment of Fatty Necks
For those who have less fat to treat or want a less invasive method that involves no time off work, fat Reduction in the neck can also be very successfully carried out with Cristal Fat Freezing or CoolSculpting. Also HIFU can be helpful in breaking down fat and simultaneously tightening skin.

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