Sunken Facial Features
Sunken Facial Features are caused when our bodies grow older. Our facial features start to fade & and “sink” into our face naturally causing a pale, thin appearance to the point where we may start to look very tired.
The skin can appear sunken due to the loss of fat pads or laxity underneath the skin.
Unfortunately this is something that inevitably happens naturally over time, and they do not usually decline evenly, increasing or decreasing at different rates. This can leave an uneven facial appearance. The fat pads below the eyes in women are by far the most common to decrease, whereas the jowl fat pads will increase.
How Do We Treat Sunken Facial Features?
The key component is the consultation, which will be held with a skilled practitioner who can listen to your concerns and your expectations, and understand your budget, as well as any limited downtime you may have available.
During this consultation, your Doctor or Clinical Therapist will then be able to make a medical diagnosis as to what may be the underlying causes to the problems that are bothering you.
Once we have a diagnosis, then comes management.
This area is complex and difficult, sometimes more than one opinion is required such as advice from a Surgeon or a specialist in a specific treatment.
We can then compose a unique plan tailored just for you that addresses the issues but also fits with your lifestyle and any possible medical issues.
Why Zenith Cosmetic Clinics for Sunken Facial Features Treatment?
As one of the biggest clinics in the UK, we have a complete team from Specialist Cosmetic Dentists, incredibly experienced Surgeons, Doctors, Nurses and Clinical Therapists.
We can perform any treatment in-house, including Dental work or Surgery. We have every treatment from Microdermabrasion and Facials to full Face-Lifts and can explain to you what will fulfil your expectations in a coordinated way.
All of the more complex assessments are made by an extremely experienced practitioner or surgeon who will be able to give you a list of the options that are best for you.
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