Brow Lift for Men
Also known as a Forehead Lift
A brow lift for men entails lifting and enhancing the lower part of the forehead and brow area.
Performed by
Mr Muhammad Javaid
Location availability

At Zenith, our men’s Brow Lift is a procedure that helps patients whose eyebrows have begun to droop, causing eyelids to be hidden or vision to be impaired.
This procedure is more popular for men who want to reduce the look of ageing and give themselves a fresh and youthful appearance. This procedure is performed in our own theatre, on site, in Nottingham.
What is a Brow Lift?
Our Men’s Brow Lift, also known as a short scar Brow Lift or Forehead Lift, pulls the skin above the eyebrow in an upward direction to lift the skin that droops. We also perform full open brow lift and direct cutaneous brow lift. Full open brow lift improves both horizontal furrows and lines which can age patients. Direct cutaneous brow lift procedure is most commonly used in male patients or in patients with advanced deformity.
Short Scar Brow Lift
Short Scar Brow Lift is the most commonly used technique. It is used to help patients whose eyebrows have begun to sag and droop. This is done through a small incision made at or just behind the hairline. This also impacts the forehead skin and upper eyelids. Men who are in the age range of from forty to sixty are the best patients for this treatment, especially those who wish to reduce the aging signs associated with weak and sagging eyebrows.
Full Open Brow Lift
Full open Brow lifts are occasionally performed to substantially improve both horizontal furrows and lines which cause a patient to look tired, sad, or angry.
Direct Cutaneous Brow Lift
Brow lift can be done through a direct incision made over the eyebrow. The scar is placed in the upper margin of the eyebrow in the most concealed location. This technique is most useful in male patients or in patients with advanced deformity.
Male Brow Lift surgery can boost your confidence in your overall appearance making you look younger, more refined and rejuvenated. If you struggle with any sagging, horizontal lines, or furrows then this procedure might be the perfect fit for you!
Risks and Complications
Anaesthesia risks, Bleeding, haematoma, seroma, infection, numbness around the scars and forehead, wound healing, scar related problems including stretched scars, dissatisfaction with the appearance, recurrence of deformity.
Why choose Zenith Cosmetic Clinic to have a Brow Lift?
- Theatre on site – no need to travel elsewhere
- Overnight stay available, if appropriate
- Surgeons are Consultant level and are fully registered with BAAPS AND BAPRAS
- 3D Scanning to allow you to see what results you can expect
- All consultations and reviews are included in the price
- All Consultants are UK trained
- 24/7 clinical aftercare
- Rated as OUTSTANDING by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in providing care to our patients in a safe and effective manner
- 99% patient satisfaction rates
- 0% and other Finance options available
Does a brow lift for men hurt?
The brow lift for men procedure itself is not painful due to the anaesthetic. After surgery we will make sure to give you appropriate pain medication to manage any soreness. At Zenith we pride ourselves in our 24/7 aftercare meaning there will be someone with you every step of the way which minimises risks.
What is the right age to have a male brow lift?
Having a male brow lift cosmetic procedure depends on the individual. Men usually do not benefit from this until their late 40’s. At Zenith, we customise every treatment for the individual needs. If you are interested or think you might be a good candidate for this procedure, then please contact the clinic so we can get you booked in for a consultation.
What are the risks of male brow lifts?
You may experience slight bleeding and/or bruising. Infections are rare but can happen. All risks and complications will be explained to you during the consultation process.
Is this right for me?
During your consultation we will assess the area to see if you are a good fit for the procedure. If you have any drooping skin near the eye due to aging, horizontal furrows and lines, or have a deformity then this procedure will be suited for you.
What happens after the surgery?
For the first few days you will feel discomfort and pain. You can resume daily activities in about 1-2 weeks with the result being visible from 2-6 months.
How long do they last for?
Brow lifts are among the longest lasting cosmetic procedures. Many men who have this procedure done do not need another one. Zenith Cosmetic Clinics also offer non-surgical treatments that would enhance this procedure like anti-wrinkle injections and fillers.
Will I have any visible scars after surgery?
Our surgeon is extremely careful during this procedure and any scarring occurs they will be minimal and discreet.
What precautions do I need to take prior to male brow lift surgery?
During your consultation, we will go through all of the necessary precautions such as stopping smoking, drinking, and/or taking certain medications prior to your surgery as it can affect your healing process. Any questions please ring our clinic and we will be happy to help.
Making treatments affordable
0% Finance Available
Patients are often concerned about affordability of a treatment. To help alleviate this concern we provide flexible payment plans to suit your budget.
We can offer six months 0% interest option for any procedure over the value of £1000. Interest bearing options are also available if you wish to spread your payments over a longer period of up to 5 years. Please contact our team on 0115 959 6999 for further details or click the link below.
Finance your treatment
Treatment Costs
Initial consultation...
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Treatment overview
At a glance
60-90 Minutes per treatment
1-2 Weeks
Local or General
Visible from 2-6 months
10-12 years

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