Cutera Laser Genesis
Cutera Laser Genesis is one of the most advanced non-invasive, non-surgical laser rejuvenation treatments available. It provides a gentle option to treat a variety of skin conditions.
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Often referred to as the “lunch-time” facial, this highly innovative skin treatment stimulates the skin’s natural processes to promote a younger and healthier appearance in under 30 minutes!
If you’re suffering from acne, redness, age spots, wrinkles or fine lines then this revolutionary treatment is perfect for you.
How Does Laser Genesis Work?
The laser penetrates lesions that are brown and red, they absorb the light energy and this converts to heat. The heat causes broken veins on the skin surface to close and disappear. Sun spots will flake off and gradually reduce. These results are visible very soon after redness has settled.
The gentle heating of the deep layer of the skin stimulates fibroblasts to produce collagen and elastin, which causes the skin to thicken and tighten, and therefore lift. There will be a reduction in wrinkles, fine lines, pores and we find that the tightening from this treatment continues to improve for 18 months afterwards, at which time the results are at their maximum.
What is Cutera Laser Genesis Used for?
This treatment is extremely useful for general rejuvenation of sun damaged skin that causes a dull complexion, Laser Genesis will clear the skin. Also this treatment is extremely useful in the treatment of Rosacea and Acne.
Will I Need Top up Treatments?
This depends very much on the underlying condition that we are treating and proper aftercare – such as use of sun-creams and sun-block to prevent further sun damage. Your Doctor or Clinical Therapist will advise on all appropriate aftercare following your treatment.
Why Choose Zenith Cosmetic Clinics for Cutera Laser Genesis?
Here at Zenith Cosmetic Clinics, we have been using Cutera Laser Genesis and it’s predecessor since 2004 to treat thousands of people and unique cases. Therefore we have the utmost experience to deliver the best results.
Is Cutera Laser Genesis permanent?
It does provide permanent results when being used to treat scars, but when used for other issues such as pigmentation, this will require more of an on-going plan and future top-ups.
How long does the procedure take?
Depending on the advice of your therapist from 30 – 60 mins
Does Cutera Laser hurt?
No, not at all! We refer to this treatment as more of a facial, and many people report feeling comfortable and relaxed during their procedure with no associated pain.
Before & After
See the results for yourself
Please browse the positive outcomes other patients have experienced from this treatment.
Making treatments affordable
0% Finance Available
Patients are often concerned about affordability of a treatment. To help alleviate this concern we provide flexible payment plans to suit your budget.
We can offer six months 0% interest option for any procedure over the value of £1000. Interest bearing options are also available if you wish to spread your payments over a longer period of up to 5 years. Please contact our team on 0115 959 6999 for further details or click the link below.
Finance your treatment
Cutera Laser Genesis Costs
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Cutera Laser Genesis overview
At a glance
30-60 minutes per treatment
0 days
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