
Why choose Xanthelasma removal at Zenith Cosmetic Clinics?

Zenith Cosmetic Clinics use radiosurgery to treat Xanthelasma, a treatment developed by Zenith’s own Dr. Maini, who will perform the treatment.

Dr. Maini will be contactable 24/7 on WhatsApp following the treatment, and will keep in contact regularly to monitor your treatment. 


What is the process of Xanthelasma removal?

Dr Maini will numb the area with anaesthetic solution. The Xanthelasma is then gently removed using radiosurgery, which evaporates the fatty deposits.


Is the procedure painful?

The anaesthetic solution may sting slightly for 3 seconds. Otherwise, the procedure is virtually painless.


What is recovery like after removal?

  • You will not be able to drive yourself home after the procedure, so please arrange for someone to collect you, or take public transportation.
  • You must wear dark glasses the day after the treatment.
  • There will be little to no scarring after the treatment.


How can I learn more about Xanthelasma removal?

Get in contact today to book a free consultation in order to learn more about Xanthelasma removal.



You can also visit us in person, at our London or Nottingham locations:


Our Nottingham clinic:

Zenith Nottingham

Zenith Cosmetic Clinic,

6 Clinton Terrace, Derby Road,

Nottingham, UK. NG7 1LY


Our London clinic:

Zenith London

Zenith Cosmetic Clinic,

39 Harley Street,

London, W1


About Nottingham

Nicknamed ‘Queen of the Midlands’, the city of Nottingham began as an Anglo-Saxon settlement. Today, it is a thriving city, complete with multitudes of shops, restaurants, theatres and historic sites. It was named as the ‘Home of English Sport’ in 2015, due to its proliferation of successful sports teams, and its legacy as the home of the world’s oldest professional football club. It was also nominated as a ‘City of Literature’ by UNESCO, owing to the ties the city has to great literary figures such as Lord Byron and D.H. Lawrence.

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