Observ 520 Skin Analysis in Nottingham

Facial scanning allows us to look at what’s going on in our skin. At Zenith Cosmetic Clinics, we offer facial skin scanning using the most advanced technology around.

The Observ 520 is a state-of-the-art skin scanner which goes above and beyond providing a general skin analysis. An Observ 520 Skin Analysis consultation allows our clinicians to perform a detailed and significantly in-depth assessment of the skin. In turn, this allows us to accurately diagnose a range of skin conditions as well as well as determine the best form of approach for achieving your target skin outcomes.

At our Nottingham clinic, Observ 520 Skin Analysis consultations are not only free of charge, but they’re also carried out by a member of our highly experienced team of skin experts.

The Most technologically Advanced Facial Scanner

An impressive feature of the Observ 520 is that it can detect and visually present exactly what’s going on underneath our skin’s surface. This technology allows our clinicians to  examine skin layers that aren’t visible to the naked eye by shining different light modes onto the skin.

Each light mode is equipped with its own set of unique features and benefits. Let’s take a look at them!

Daylight Mode

The skin is carefully analysed using a bright yet neutral light. This mode allows for clear clinical pre and post treatment images to be captured

Cross Polarised Mode

This mode can visualise redness and discolouration. For many of our patients, this mode has picked up inflammation and pigmentation, as well as conditions such as rosacea. Our treatment plans are formulated with the purpose of addressing skin concerns in the safest and most effective way possible.

Parallel Polarised

This mode reveals the skin surface textures in a way you’ve never seen before! The utilisation of filter technology allows for an enhanced visualisation of pore structures, fine lines, and wrinkles. At Zenith, we offer a selection of skin resurfacing treatments which are designed to improve the skin’s appearance and texture. The Parallel Polarised Mode can help us to deem your suitability for such treatments.

True UV Mode

Instead of projecting light onto the skin, this mode generates light from the skin itself. This extremely innovative technique allows for skin conditions beneath the skin’s surface to be identified. This mode reveals hidden pigmentation as well as any signs that may develop into future skin concerns. Through this mode, the Observ 520 displays its ability to support optimal skin health.

Simulated Wood’s Light Mode

An interesting name…but what does this mode actually do? A Wood’s lamp examination uses transillumination (light) to detect and visualise bacterial or fungal skin infections. This mode provides an accurate simulation of the Wood’s Lamp examination. This mode supports the analysis of oil production within various areas of the face/skin.

Observation Mode or Complex Analysis

The complexion analysis reveals inhomogeneities (differences) in skin tone, pigmentation, irregularities, and irritations in a significantly distinguishable way. This is done by amplifying the differences in skin tone across the face.


skin analysis Nottingham


In-Depth Skin Consultations at Zenith Cosmetic Clinics, Nottingham

At Zenith, we are true experts with over 25 years of experience in treating skin. We thoroughly understand how the Observ 520 works and the various ways in which it can be harnessed to formulate the best possible treatment plans for our patients.

At our clinic, all Observ 520 Skin Analysis consultations and reviews are carried out within a calm, comfortable and confidential environment. Based on your personal target outcomes as well as the expert guidance of our clinicians, an effective treatment plan is co-planned following an Observ 520 consultation.

Furthermore, at our clinic, these consultations are FREE!

Want to book a consultation? Click here to secure your FREE Observ 520 Skin Analysis consultation!

Alternatively, please give us a call on 0115 959 6999.

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